Christmas Talent Showcase
Sunday 19th Dec 2021.
It was amazing to see so many of our talented young people perform their own improvised and scripted pieces for family and friends. We had comedy, murder and heartfelt stories that showed off everyone’s performance skills. Epic well done!
20-22nd December 2021
Bringing a contemporary version of this popular pantomime to Kirklees. Penguin Acting have teamed up with MJ Acting Academy and Katie Philpott School of Dance to bring some talented local performers to the stage.
A note from the Director
Audience Reviews

A Crazy Covid Christmas
18th December 2020
Penguin Acting and Theatre Productions are proud to present our annual Christmas Pantomime……. A Crazy Covid Christmas!
A note from the Director
I fell upon the idea for this pantomime in the summer. I wanted to try to make light of the current situation. I didn’t do anything with it until I managed to get away to Maderia in early October with my friend. On the flight home the creative juices began to flow and in 4 hours the first draft was ready. Covid has seriously tested my resilience and created so many hurdles to jump through. From rehearsals via Zoom to all sorts of licenses but everyone has pulled together and given it their all. So the show must go on and it’s be great to beat the odds.
I am proud to have worked with such a committed and talented cast of actors. We have absolutely had a blast and we hope you do too. Thanks so much to West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit’s funding scheme to support small businesses during Covid. We couldn’t have done it without you.